Monday, July 30, 2012

Clean Food, Recipe 9- Gazpacho

This is the final recipe I have to blog about, for now.  I made this for a family reunion over the weekend.  It was inspired by the food I picked up from my CSA this week.  I came home with a bagful of tomatoes, green bell peppers, red onions, and cucumbers!  When I saw this recipe I knew right away that this was what I HAD to make!  It's SO easy too!  I love this cookbook- just can't get enough of it and the ease of preparation for the recipes is the best part.  So, for this one you start by blanching the tomatoes in boiling water for 30 seconds, drain and let them cool, then peel off the skins and dice them up.  Place the diced tomatoes into a large soup pot along with minced red onion, minced green bell pepper, diced cucumber, minced garlic, fresh chopped parsley, fresh chopped basil, fresh chopped cilantro, tomato juice, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, hot sauce, olive oil, sea salt, and black pepper.  Dump and stir!  That's IT!  It doesn't get any easier than that folks!  (The only thing left to do is chill it until ready to serve.)  This recipe was a HIT too, making it an even better investment of time.  Everyone loved this cold summer soup- I was getting compliments on it left and right.  I've had BAD gazpacho's before, but I must say that this was really, really good.  Not the best I've had, but definitely second place in my book.  A surefire winner and a great way to use up fresh summer veggies- love it!

My rating- 9

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