Friday, October 5, 2012


Just wanted to post a quick update about where I've been and what my thoughts are on a vegan lifestyle.  First, the last few months have been SUPER busy for me.  I have been away on vacation twice and my daughter just started full day kindergarten this September, so getting used to a new schedule has been pretty hectic, to say the least.  I have also been battling some health issues (nothing too serious, but enough to see the doctor about and enough to know that my body is out of balance), SO because of that I am trying to methodically go through my diet and pin down any food sources that may exacerbate my symptoms.  Because of eliminating other foods I have been eating more meat lately.  (I started this blog fully convinced I'd be vegan forever, but it just isn't feasible at the moment for me- I consider myself at this moment a flexitarian and I do eat vegetarian as much as I can.  I also only eat organic meat from a local farm when I do eat meat.)  This month I am eliminating gluten from my diet.  Next month will be dairy products (which won't be hard for me- the only dairy I ever consume is Greek yogurt, kefir, butter, and the occasional cheese), in December I plan on eliminating all meat again.  I'm hoping that going through my diet methodically like this will help me find some answers and maybe even some solutions.  Anyway, I will still be making delicious vegan meals, and I'll be here to write about them as usual.  I'll be focusing on my Clean Food book by Terry Walters and the Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone.  I do have other vegan/vegetarian cookbooks- so there will be honorable mentions here and there as well.  I have to admit that I did feel a HUGE sense of guilt when I began eating meat again, however, I know now that each body is different and I have to trust and listen to my OWN body.  That being said, I've learned MUCH from all the documentaries etc...that I've seen and my perspective is forever changed- I do feel that I approach food in a whole new way now- if I don't know it's origin I don't want to eat it and I prefer things from my local CSA (whether meat, dairy, or produce) and my own garden.  I'll take a piece from Alicia's book and say that I may not be living the Kind Diet to a tee, but I'm definitely living KINDER and I plan on continuing to improve.  Be kind to yourselves and the earth everyone- enjoy life and find what works for you and the planet to the best of your abilities- no guilt, just enjoyment of life and respect for what we've been given.

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